Anyway, we had our 'Christmas' padgent at school today. It wasnt really a Christmas padgent, it was more for New Year's but Santa a.k.a. one of my 9th graders was there and there was a tree. I gave some presents to my counterparts, director and vice-director thanks to Mom and Elaine who sent them over. I didnt get anything and that was fine with me. Better to give than... well you know. I'm also planning to give my host-family their gifts tomorrow night at dinner. The only thing I'm really looking forward to other than that is diggin' into my stocking that Mom sent me tomorrow morning.

There really isnt anything to tell you on this post. Just thought I would say Merry Christmas and put up two editions of MTV. Hope all of you have a Merry Christmas!
If I could have one Christmas wish, it would be the same as yours. I hope you enjoy your stocking--MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, the wood cutting looks fun.
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