So this past week I’ve crossed a few milestones that I’ve
got to say made me smile. One, I’ve now been a non-smoker for over 6 months! I
took my last puff of a cigarette on December 12th of last year and
haven’t so much as touched a cigarette since. It was a tough road and one that
I hope I will never have to travel again. I was a smoker for the better part of
15 years. 15 years! Now, 6 months out, I feel a lot better about walking away
from it and it seriously feels like another lifetime that I was a smoker. Some
days are better than others, and I’d be lying if I said I never have cravings,
but they are so few and far between now that they are fairly easy to manage.
So, yeah!
Second, this past week marked one year since my return from
The Republic of Georgia. One whole year. Speaking of another lifetime… Georgia
seems like it was so long ago but this past year seems like it’s flown by. Tons
of my friends and family have gone through so much since I’ve been home that it
feels like I’ve been here forever but at the same time this past year seems to
have flown by too. It was a good year
though with a whole lot more ups than downs and I do believe that I’ve settled
back into life in America (at least my version of it). I’ve managed to avoid a
lot of the things I like to avoid and utilized the advantages of America as
much as I can.

There was a bee exhibit and it was kind of fun watching them
go in and out of the hive, but for me, the lemurs were the highlight of the
trip. They were so cool looking and they would just gently reach out and take a
cheerio out of your hand. They would even sit there and wait patiently on their
turn to get a treat. It was too cute and way more fun that I thought it would
be. I ended up just walking around and smiling the whole time and if you can
find a place that’ll make you do that, then you know you’ve found a good way to
spend and afternoon.
Derpy looking Lama
Anyway dear reader, I only wanted to update you on the
goings on this week and wish you the best. Bee Good!
Oh my god, I am inexplicably happy that you ended this post with your bee picture--my favorite!!! Speaking of which...what happened to my honey straw??
What does a non-derpy llama look like? I have too many questions to list but I won't because I'm under the order of a bad pun. Super bad.
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